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Participation Fee

We rely on your generosity to fund the following activities and services among others:

  • Represent Westchester and Putnam Retirees at NYSUT, AFT and NYSARA meetings and conferences
  • Provide activist support and lobby at state and local levels on issues affecting children, public education, and retirees (pensions, COLA, Medicare, Social Security) 
  • Keep  you informed of matters affecting you through our newsletter
  • Raise money for local food banks
  • Fund REACT (Retired Educators and Children Together), our community service committee, that provides school supplies to needy students in Westchester and Putnam
  • Provide scholarships to graduating seniors in four local districts on a rotating basis
  • Sponsor programs and workshops on topics of interest to retirees;

By becoming a participating member of NYSUT Retiree Council 15/16, you will help us fund the above activities and services.

Participation fees are payable beginning in September of each year, and cover the September 2024 to June 2025. 

Please note that fees will not be accepted after February 28, 2025.

Participation Fee forms can be found in the RC 15/16 newsletter, The Senior Class, which is mailed to your home periodically through the year.  Due to the heavy initial response and US Postal Service delays, there might be a delay in processing your check.  Please be patient when looking for your canceled check.

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